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New for 2025
Team Tournament - Virtual Dressage

We would like to offer a Virtual Team Dressage Competition to all our Virtual Dressage Competition competitors.

Each month you enter our Virtual Dressage Competition, riding your individual chosen test (normal entry fee applies, and please see the Virtual 2025 schedule), your % score will be combined with the rest of your teams. These % scores will be accumulated over the months of Jan-Oct.

At the end of the year placings will be worked out using each teams combined % scores gained over the year.

Placings for the end of year awards will depend on the number of Team entries we receive.

The fee will be £10 for each Team member (£15 for non-members), being a one-off charge for the year.

At present each Team will need to be made up of 3 Horse and Rider combinations. (The Riders must remain the same for each Team, but the Horse may vary as we appreciate many of us ride Horses which we do not own. However, each of these Horse and Rider combinations must enter at a level no lower than the highest level they have competed at in any previous unaffiliated Competitions). Team entry details should be emailed to Jody at before Jan 10th with the £10 Team Fee (per person) being paid at this time.

To keep things fairer, as we appreciate that people take holidays and with horses you never know when they will injure themselves, so every Team member will be given x3 Joker Cards to use.

Joker cards do not have to be used, but if necessary then Jody will need to be informed before the middle of the competition month.

When using a Joker Card, you will be awarded the same percentage score as your lowest scoring Team members percentage for that month.

Only x1 Joker Card per Team can be used in any one month!!!

Wessex Riding Club



SORT CODE: 20 – 02 – 25



Please see below for Entry Form and Information regarding the tournament.


New for 2025 onwards, there is a new rule being put in place this year with the aim to encourage people to step up to the next training level, which will hopefully keep the playing fields a level place for all.


If you receive x2 scores over 70% in the season, then you will be required to move up to the next level in your tests. Obviously, I will keep an eye on scores and will let any individuals that these ruling effects know. Once the 2nd 70% score is received the ruling will take effect.

We will also advise you of this.


If a competitor wishes to ride at the lower level still in a Competition, then you will need to enter it as HC.

Hors concours – this French phrase, which is commonly abbreviated to HC, loosely translates as “excluded from the competition” and it refers to an entry that is non-competitive. So, you will just not actively be in the Competition for that Class level but will be marked and receive a sheet as normal.

VD Entry Form


VD Competition Schedule

Virtual Dressage competition 


The entry form must be submitted to with payment made by Bank Transfer.  Entry fee must be paid in advance. Cost of entry to members is £8.50 and guests will be charged £10.50.


All entrants will get a score sheet and placings will get a rosette.  All results will be posted on WhatsApp group.


Results will be published 10 days after the closing date and test sheets and rosettes will be sent out by post afterwards.

Tack doesn’t have to be in accordance with BD rules but you will be given a 2 point deduction if your tack is not BD approved. Boots/bandages can be worn, which will not incur any deductions. Competition dress is not required matchy matchy is encouraged!

You will need a 20m x 40m arena, either in a menage or on grass. Markers should be placed at each of the letters around the outside of the arena. This can be by using letter markers or homemade markers such as cones.

Video must be filmed from C, please make sure that the video’er keeps the horse and rider in sight at all times

Your video MUST have sound and be unedited - callers are permitted but there must be no training. Do not cut or edit your video. Videos must start before entering the arena and last for a few seconds after the final halt.

Ensure your video is labelled with the test, rider name and horse name. This can be done verbally at the time of recording or add the details when you upload to the WhatsApp group.

Videos to be uploaded to the WhatsApp group on last day of month. You will be added to this once we receive your entry. Results will be published 10 days after the closing date and rosettes and test sheets will be sent afterwards

Entry fee to be paid in advance by BACs.

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