Introducing Horselates Clinic
Saturday 15th July 2023 starting from 10.00 am
Wick Farm, Wick Lane, Downton SP5 3NS
Anna Noble is a BHS and UKCC Coach and rider based in Downton, Salisbury, she is a BHSII Accredited Professional Coach now recognised as a BHS Stage 4 Senior coach in complete Horsemanship.
Do you want to improve….
your core
your balance
your feel and connection
you position
All whilst in the saddle?
We work to improve rider strength and balance using a variety of different exercises including the use of bands and Franklin balls and more!
These sessions work so well as all these different exercises ease away tension and promote greater awareness of the rider’s seat and aids. Different tools break the chain of riders muscle memory whilst in the saddle.
Why do these exercises while on my horse?
Doing these exercises whilst on the horse provides instant rider feedback on how improving their way of riding has an instant effect on their horses.
As a result of the rider’s awareness to the aids and their position, often horses respond instantly in the way of greater freedom of movement and improvement in the contact.
WRC £25 / Non WRC £30 per person – 3 people in a group for 1 hour.
To secure your place email Andrew ( and make payment to WRC Account: Please ref July HC